
The Inclusion Vocabulary project will achieve the planned objectives and results through different activities: 

The New Vocabulary Handbook  (IO1) has been created thanks to a preliminary reaserch conducted in all country partners, thanks to two different actions: 1. Questionnaires to students, teachers and parents; 2. Interview with relevant local stakeholder. Thanks to the results, the Consortium of the project has created a comparative report that collects all the national information. Once, designed and created the structure of the handbook, it has been translated in every language, in order to allow each partner to conduct a pilot of it. 

New Vocabulary training course for teachers (IO2) has been developed mainly for teachers, in order to promote the use of innovative vocabulary. Thanks to the previous research (IO1), the Consortium has established and developed the contents of the course, that will be translated in every language. A pilot will be conducted, to understand what and in which way the project can be improved, if necessary. 

New Vocabulary video stories (IO3). This third and last output foresees a training on storytelling and videomaking, in order to train students and teachers from every national school participating to the project. This will be useful to the several school teams that will work on video making creating their own videos.