New Vocabulary video stories

After a training for teachers regarding the principles of filmmaking, 4 teams of 5 students each, were formed in each one of the 5 participating schools. Each team was assigned a supervising teacher, and therefore we had a total of 100 students and 20 teachers participating. Each team created a short video revolving around linguistic and physical discrimination and (cyber)bullying towards LGBTQI+ students, addressing a specific issue. The videos that you see below are the result of these efforts.

Liceo Scientifico Statale S. Cannizzaro
Palermo, Italy

Agrupamento de Escolas do Cerco do Porto
Porto, Portugal

Escuela 2 Cooperativa Valenciana
Valencia, Spain

Drvo Art
Belgrade, Serbia


Professional High School of Ecology and Biotechnology
Sofia, Bulgaria


                      Watch on YouTube
